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British Tax Review

British Tax Review
Practice Area: Taxation Law
ISSN: 0007-1870
Published by: Sweet & Maxwell
General Editors: Judith Freedman; Philip Baker KC
Subscription Information: Any Time Start
Format: Journal
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British Tax Review provides in-depth analysis of tax law; examining changes and providing valuable commentary for practitioners, academics and policy makers. Its editorial board comprises lawyers, accountants and economists.

The Review provides articles which are subject to a rigorous anonymous refereeing process prior to acceptance for publication and which are thought provoking and wide ranging; covering domestic, international and comparative topics across the whole field of tax law. In addition, the Review offers current notes on topical matters and case notes on relevant European Court decisions, reviews on major new taxation publications and regular special issues covering the Finance Acts and other major tax issues.

Please see the “Contents of Issues” tab for further details on the current issue.

Full text articles of the British Tax Review are available in print, online on Westlaw UK, Checkpoint World and Checkpoint UK.

British Tax Review is now indexed in Scopus.

Please visit our dedicated BTR site at https://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/british-tax-review/index.aspx

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  • Current Notes - offering concise comment on topical matters such as draft legislation and consultative documents.
  • Articles providing an in-depth look at specialist topics.
  • Case notes - significant case law with critical comment.
  • Book reviews and notices.
  • Tables of cases, legislation.
  • Indices.


For submission information, including the BTR style guide, please visit https://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/british-tax-review/contributor.aspx


For details on the editors and editorial board please visit https://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/british-tax-review/editors.aspx


Personal subscription to British Tax Review now available – 50% discount

We are introducing a new single-user digital subscription on our eReader, ProView, at a special 50% discount off the standard subscription price.

An archive back to 2016 is now included in all ProView subscriptions to British Tax Review.

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Email us now at proviewtrial@thomsonreuters.com quoting #BTRIndividual to trial British Tax Review on ProView or or click here for more information.

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5 issues per annum.


Bound volumes are available for prior years and as full sets. For pricing and to order please contact customer services.


British Tax Review is included in the following indexing and abstracting services:

  • Legal Journals Index on Westlaw UK
  • Articles Index from Lawtel

Full text articles of the British Tax Review are available via subscription to www.westlaw.co.uk


Untitled Document Visit the British Tax Review microsite for full information on the journal https://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/british-tax-review/index.aspx


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[issue year] B.T.R. No.issue number, © Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited and contributors, available via: www.westlaw.com.


Editorial Correspondence:
Judith Freedman
Worcester College
Email: btr@worc.ox.ac.uk

Publishing Editor:
Cari Owen
Thomson Reuters
5 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
E14 5AQ
Email: cari.owen@thomsonreuters.com

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