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Our tort titles cover many areas including: negligence, tort law, damages, tort of nuisance, trespass, economic loss, emotional distress, vicarious liability, strict liability, infliction, proximate cause, and statutory negligence.

Our portfolio includes two titles from the Common Law Library.

Clerk & Lindsell on Torts is the definitive title in this area of law. Our team, led by general editor Professor Andrew Tettenborn, give the most authoritative guidance available on all aspects of the law of tort and is widely referred to and cited by practitioners and the judiciary. Used by legal practitioners and judges alike, Clerk & Lindsell covers all the torts together in one place.

Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence takes an in-depth look at the torts of negligence and nuisance. Covering the general legal principles including duty of care, liability and causation. As well as looking at more established areas, it also looks at developing areas including psychiatric injuries.

Clerk & Lindsell and Charlesworth & Percy are available online through Westlaw UK, our online legal research service.

The 12KBW Thomson Reuters Tort Law Awards – to access the winner’s details and their essays please click on the link here

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