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W. Green continues to push ahead, creating new products for Scotland’s legal professionals. Some of the 2023 highlights include the publication of the 4th edition of Gordon’s Criminal Law of Scotland Vol.1, the 5th edition of Collar on Planning Law and the brand new SULI title Scottish Criminal Procedure.

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Gloag and Henderson: The Law of Scotland - 15th EditionGloag and Henderson: The Law of Scotland (15th Edition)

Professor Hector MacQueen & The Right Hon Lord Eassie

First published in 1927, Gloag and Henderson is quite simply the work of reference on the law of Scotland. It is unique in providing the complete Scots private law library in one volume, with no other single legal title in Scotland offering the same level of coverage.

From the outset it has been distinguished by its clarity and accessibility and the high standing and expertise of contributors. The development of Scots law in the 20th and now in the 21st century can be traced through succeeding editions of the textbook.

Available in Hardback, ProView, in print and ProView and as an eLibrary title through Westlaw UK.

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