Offers and Promotions


What is the offer?

It is a 50% discount on Journal ProView only annual subscriptions for individual users/personal subscription.

Can I get an individual subscription for print or Print/ProView bundle?

No. It is available for Proview subscriptions only.

Is the offer available on Looseleaf subscriptions?

No. It is available for Journal and Law Report subscriptions only.

How many ProView users can be included on the subscription?

A single user only can be set up on the subscription.

Who can qualify for the offer?

The individual/personal subscription is for individuals only and is not intended for firms or organisation customers. It is designed for academics, researchers, students, sole practitioners, barristers, and retired practitioners, and the subscription must be paid for personally on a personal credit/debit card. It applies to new subscriptions only. No switching from existing full price print or ProView subscriptions.

Is the offer available through the estore?

No, it is not available through the estore checkout.

How do I request an individual Subscription?

Email with the publication you wish to subscribe to and the circumstances that qualify you for the offer. We will then get back to you.

Is there an archive that comes with the subscription?

Most subscriptions will include all issues published in the calendar year whenever the subscription is taken out. British Tax Review includes an archive going back to 2016 whilst the subscription is live.

When the subscription renews will the 50% discount still apply?

Yes, the discount will be applied at renewal time. You will receive notification of this before renewal time.

Can I speak to someone or find out more about the offer?

Yes, email with your questions and we will get back to you.

Can I trial the journal first on Proview?

Yes. You can have a 7-day trial. Email us on quoting #individual and stating the title you wish to trial and we will set you up.