European Law REVIEW

European Law Review: The ultimate authority since 1975

This journal is an essential resource on European Union law, offering in-depth analysis and commentary on developments related to integration and the Council of Europe

Featuring influential and thought-provoking articles on all aspects of European law

Explore all aspects of EU law in a political, historical, cultural, economic, and social context.

Each issue provides crucial coverage of the law relating to European integration and the Council of Europe, features articles on all aspects of European law, and includes expert opinion on current developments. Pertinent, topical, and to the point, the European Law Review is an indispensable resource for academics and those involved in the practice and administration of European law.

Rely on contributions that are peer reviewed by qualified experts independent of the author.

The articles published in the European Law Review are subject to a robust reviewing process before acceptance. This method ensures quality contributions that are not available in other publications or online sources. We only publish articles of the highest quality, so you can rest assured you're receiving the best information.

One journal, three formats

European Law Review in print

Read the European Law Review in traditional print format, offering a portable and easily accessible way to stay informed on critical legal insights.

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Discover the value of the European Law Review

Unrivalled, in-depth EU law analysis 

While preserving the highest academic standards, the European Law Review also caters to the needs of those involved in the practice and administration of the law. Published six times a year, it carries authoritative and insightful articles on all aspects of European law and incisive commentaries on current developments in its field.

Indexing and abstracting services 

The European Law Review is indexed and abstracted in several prominent services, including the Legal Journals Index on Westlaw UK, the Articles Index from Lawtel, Web of Science, and Scopus.

Frequently asked questions

How can I contribute to the European Law Review?

The European Law Review welcomes submission of articles for consideration by the editors with a view to publication.

Access submission information and contributor guidelines

How do I contact the editors?

Articles should be sent to:
Professor Panos Koutrakos
Professor of European Union Law
City Law School
4 Gray’s Inn Place

Queries concerning  analysis and reflections
should be sent to:
Professor Sacha Garben
Legal Studies Department
College of Europe
Verversdijk 16
BE-8000 Bruges

Queries concerning book reviews should be sent to:
Dr. Menelaos Markakis
Erasmus School of Law
Erasmus University Rotterdam
P.O. Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Publishing Editor: Peter Chare


Where can I access a sample issue?

You can download a sample issue of the European Law Review to see for yourself the quality of coverage you will receive as a subscriber.

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Where can I find the coverage of recent issues?

Tables of contents from recent issues of the European Law Review are available so you can discover the breadth of coverage. 

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Where can I read the editorial and the abstracts from the latest issue?

You can download the full editorial and abstracts from the most recently published issue of the European Law Review.

Download the editorial and abstracts from the most recent issue

Where can I find details of the editorial board?

The editorial board consists of leading academics and practitioners with expertise across all areas of European law.

General Editors: Panos Koutrakos & Sacha Garben
Consultant Editor: Anthony Arnull
Book Reviews Editor: Thomas Horsley

Editorial Board:
Albertina Albors-Llorens,
Fabian Amtenbrink,
Michal Bobek,
Paul Craig,
Alan Dashwood,
Mark Dawson,
Gráinne de Búrca,
Tim Eicke,
Laurence Gormley,
Trevor Hartley,
Alicia Hinarejos,
Francis Jacobs,
Koen Lenaerts,
Imelda Maher, 
Niamh Moloney,
Niamh Nic Shuibhne,
Jukka Snell,
Eleanor Spaventa,
Erika Szyszczak,
Verica Trstenjak,
Christopher Vajda,
Stephen Weatherill

What are the latest developments for European Law Review?

2025 will be the 50th anniversary year of the European Law Review, look out for more information on how the journal will mark this milestone.

Do you offer discounts to individual subscribers?

Yes, a single-user ProView subscription is available at a 50% discount. This discount is only available to individuals. It must be paid for personally and applies to new subscriptions only. Contact to find out more.