Employment law books and resources
IDS Employment Law from Thomson Reuters
Since 1966, IDS has provided legal and HR professionals with the latest comprehensive coverage and analysis of UK Employment Law through expertly authored subscription services and publications

Essential handbooks and resources from IDS Employment Law
Unmatched authority and coverage with the IDS Handbooks
The IDS Handbooks provide detailed, expert guidance on employment law legislation and case law, with clear advice on how the law applies in practice. There are 18 titles, with three new editions published each year, available in print, online on Westlaw UK, and as a ProView eBook. The Handbooks are also updated weekly on Westlaw UK, with an email each Friday notifying subscribers of the updates.
Browse IDS Employment Law Handbooks (PDF)
Unparalleled currency with the IDS Employment Law Brief
The IDS Employment Law Brief, published 10 times a year, updates on legislation, reports, research from employer and employee organisations, and tribunal statistics. Offering expert guidance on judgments, legislation, and litigation trends, it provides detailed analysis and advice on employment law developments, with case law summaries highlighting significant cases and the practical implications.
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Explore IDS content through a variety of convenient formats to suit your needs and workflow. Enjoy the traditional print format for portable and easily accessible legal insights. Engage with our content anytime, anywhere using our user-friendly, browser-based ProView eBook. For a seamless and integrated research experience, access Westlaw UK, offering world-class research capabilities.
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