Offers and promotions

Offers on Sweet & Maxwell and W. Green publications

We run ongoing and seasonal offers and promotions to help ensure you have the expert content you need in the format that suits you

Current offers

Early bird

Save up to 15% when you pre-order our handpicked selection of new legal publications on ProView. To order, fill in our sales contact form and quote GIVEME10 for a 10% discount on ProView eBook orders or GIVEME15 for a 15% discount on print and ProView bundle orders.

Discounted personal ProView journal subscription

Access expert content and analysis in a format that suits you by taking advantage of our 50% discount for individual users with a personal annual subscription to our journals on ProView.

Contact our team to find out more.

Upgrade to ProView

Did you know that all our customers can upgrade their print publications to include ProView access at a special upgrade price?

To upgrade to ProView, fill in our sales contact form — letting us know which publication you have already purchased in print — and one of our team members will get back to you with a special ProView upgrade quote.

Contact us for more information about any of our offers and promotions