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Property, Planning and Compensation Reports

Property, Planning and Compensation Reports
Practice Area: Planning Law
ISSN: 2754-138X
Published by: Sweet & Maxwell
Subscription Information: Any Time Start
Format: Journal
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The Property, Planning and Compensation Reports, first published in 1949, cover all the significant property, planning, compulsory purchase and compensation cases which come before the judiciary and the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber).  Many of the cases they report have not been reported elsewhere.
  • With their clear, concise and easy-to-read format, the Reports are the most authoritative general property law reports available
  • Unrivalled coverage of a wide range of subjects, from agricultural holdings, commons and easements, to highway maintenance, footpaths and land charges; land law, conveyancing and land registration, to landlord and tenant and mortgages; as well as town and country planning and compulsory purchase
  • Fully indexed for ease of reference
  • Indispensable to solicitors, barristers, planners, surveyors and other practitioners needing to keep abreast of the latest case law developments in these areas

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Lord Justice Lewison, General Editor
John Pugh-Smith, General Editor
Michael Haley, Digest Editor


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Lyndsay Walker - lyndsay.walker@thomsonreuters.com

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