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Greens Practice Styles

Greens Practice Styles
Number of volumes: 4
Practice Area:  Legal Profession, Scottish Law
ISBN:  9780414094123
Subscription Information: 4 Releases a year, Charge By Release
Format:  Looseleaf, CD-ROM, eBook - ProView
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Within the four updating volumes of Greens Practice Styles you will find a wide selection of useful and sometimes unusual styles for your immediate use or adaption.

Contents include:
  • DIVISION A - Agriculture and Crofting: Constitution of Tenancy; Crofting; Miscellaneous; Arbitration
  • DIVISION B - Commerce: Banking; Business Sale and Purchase; Company Administration; Company; Formation; Partnership
  • DIVISION C - Commercial Conveyancing: Leases; Purchase and Sale; Loan Transactions; Dispositions
  • DIVISION D - Court: Caveats; Inhibitions; Petitions and Initial Writs; Sequestration; Miscellaneous
  • DIVISION E - Domestic Conveyancing: Disposition; Leases; Missives; Servitudes; Standard Securities; Miscellaneous
  • DIVISION F - Executry: Ingathering and Distribution; Inventory and Confirmation; Letters Investigating Estate; Powers of Attorney; Receiving Instructions
  • DIVISION G - Family Law: Separation Agreements; Divorce
  • DIVISION H - Intellectual Property: Media and Entertainment Computer Contracts
  • DIVISION I - Miscellaneous
  • DIVISION J - Moveable Property: Hire; Sale; Security
  • DIVISION K - Trusts: Accumulation and Maintenance Trusts; Charitable Trust; Declaration and Deeds of Trust; Discretionary Trusts; Liferent Trusts
  • DIVISION L - Wills: Additional Clauses; Full Form Wills with General Clauses; Notarial Execution; Simple Form Wills; Variation of Clauses

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