Untitled Document
International Trade Law & Regulation
Guidelines for Authors
The International Trade Law & Regulation (Int. T.L.R.) is a quarterly international journal providing topical analysis on key debates and developments in both public and private aspects of international trade and investment law. It features in-depth articles on topics of interest, shorter opinion pieces on recent developments and emerging issues, and book reviews of recent publications in the field.
The journal believes that the development of law and legal practice benefit from an internationalist understanding of trade and investment law. The journal thus invites works of quality touching on national, international and regional perspectives on the subject. Works from diverse perspectives and approaches are welcome but all contributions should be properly supported by a robust research methodological framework. Since its inception many of the most distinguished scholars and practitioners in trade and investment law globally have had their works published in the Int. T.L.R.
Contributions are welcome under the following headings:
Articles should analyse a major, current theme of international interest in the field. Articles should aim to discuss a subject with an emphasis on theory, although practical relevance may also be considered. Articles should be between 5,000 to 8,000 words, though shorter or longer contributions may be considered.
In the style of an editorial, the Opinion should be a topical, ideally controversial piece on a recent development in the field aimed at stimulating debate. Opinions are approximately 2,000 to 3,000 words in length.
Book Reviews
Book reviews should offer a short summary of a recent book (published in the last two years) in the field along with critical analysis and insight. Book reviews are normally between 800 and 1,500 words in length. Please contact lucy.gardner@thomsonreuters.com to discuss a book review or to obtain a review copy.
Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively from 1 onwards. Cases and statutes, etc. should be cited accurately and in the correct format, preferably in the footnotes.
In preparing typescripts, authors should conform to the journal's House Style. Please follow the format used in a recent issue of Int. T.L.R.; a style guide is available here.
Articles should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 50 words, describing the contents of the contribution. This abstract will appear on the contents page of Int. T.L.R.
Authors should provide their biographical information in the form in which they wish it to appear in the ICCLR. Submission of Articles or other contributions will be held to imply that they contain original, unpublished work and are not being submitted for publication elsewhere. No liability is accepted for loss or damage to material submitted. Please note that it is the responsibility of the author(s) of each paper to collect any permissions and acknowledgements necessary for the paper to be published prior to submission.
The contribution should be sent as an email attachment in Word format, together with the contributor's full mailing address.
Review Process
An initial assessment is carried out by the General Editor, usually within three weeks of receipt of a submission. At this stage some submissions are rejected because of overlap with other submissions under consideration, or because the subject matter falls outside the scope of the journal, or the submission clearly falls below the quality threshold for publication.
Potentially publishable submissions are subject to anonymous review by experts in the field. The review process is designed to be a positive experience for authors. Whether or not a submission is accepted for publication, it is the aim of the reviewers to give helpful guidance on how the presentation or content of a submission could be developed. The reviewers do their best to reach a conclusion within six weeks of submissions although, in some cases, the process may take longer.
All Articles will be reviewed according to the following criteria (in no particular order):
- Depth of analysis
- Originality
- Methodology
- Evaluation
- Relevance
- Accuracy
Contributions will be accepted entirely at the discretion of the Editorial Board. Submission to the journal implies that the contributor agrees to having their works checked for plagiarism. Breach of academic integrity standards will result in the article rejected and appropriate measures taken to safeguard the integrity and reputation of the journal.
Proofs will be sent to authors as a PDF file by email and corrections must be returned without delay.
Copyright in contributions is vested jointly with the authors and the publishers.
Contributions to be considered for publication should be sent to the Publisher: katy.sadat@thomsonreuters.com.
Complimentary copies and offprints:
Complimentary copies: Two complimentary copies of the issue in which their article appears will be provided to each contributor.
Offprints: Information on offprints will be made available to authors on acceptance of their contributions.