An essential element of successfully handling European patents is locating and accessing the vast amount of material emanating from the European Patent Office, national courts and patent offices. The
European Patents Sourcefinder has been designed for exactly this purpose.
It contains over 2,000 fully indexed references, with summaries, as well as the most important material with a bearing on European Patent Convention Law, practice and procedure.
The work has four indices to enable users to turn straight to the information needed:
- Subject Index - 200 keywords and thousands of secondary keywords.
- Article / Rule Index - a record of all prime sources in which articles, sections or rules of conventions, treaties or national laws are considered.
- Precedents Index - lists all references back to each decision of the EPO Technical Board of Appeal.
- Decision Number Index - points users to the relevant Sourcefinder entry from the official decision number.
Each entry includes a summary of the full text so that the reader can decide whether or not to pursue the original document. It is exhaustively indexed by subject plus appropriate keywords, references to Articles and Rules of Convention and laws and case names.