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Keating on Offshore Construction and Marine Engineering Contracts

Keating on Offshore Construction and Marine Engineering Contracts
3rd Edition
Series:  British Shipping Laws
Practice Area:  Contract Law, Energy Law, Shipping
ISBN:  9780414104440
Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell
Publication Date:  30 Sep 2024
Format:  eBook - ProView
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Keating on Offshore Construction and Marine Engineering Contracts provides in-depth guidance on the agreements involved in the construction of ships, rigs and other offshore vessels and structures. It will equip marine construction lawyers with a one-stop reference on all aspects of the modern shipbuilding and offshore engineering contracts and for dealing effectively with the problems that may arise.

Key features:

  • Examines the main standard form agreements used in marine construction, including the SAJ, BIMCO, the Norwegian 2000, AWES as well as LOGIC and FIDIC
  • Looks at the documents required for creation of a marine construction contract e.g specifications, drawings, programmes of work
  • Discusses the general rules of formation and construction of offshore construction contracts, including commonly found implied terms and limitation clauses
  • Covers changes to contract terms and considerations that need to be made from contractor and buyer’s perspectives
  • Covers differences in approach between standard shipbuilding and engineering contracts
  • Analyses in detail all the issues surrounding time in contracts, the obligations, delay and extensions
  • Looks at payment, including potential extra payments, permissible delay and damages
  • Considers the rights and obligations of parties following contractual or common law termination
  • Deal with guarantees, bonds and insurance
  • Covers the dispute resolution frameworks used in international shipbuilding contracts, including litigation in the Commercial or Technology and Construction Court, and ADR
  • Examines the growing influence of land-based construction case law, and provides in-depth commentary of relevant authorities

New to the third edition:

  • Updated to cover the latest editions of all the standard forms
  • Expanded commentary taking into account LOGIC Marine Construction, Offshore Decommissioning and the Design Edition, as well as the new BIMCO DISMANTLECON contract
  • Key recent cases discussed in detail, including Jiangsu Guoxin Corp Ltd v Precious Shipping Public Co Ltd [2020] EWHC 1030 (Comm), Panther Real Estate Development LLC v Modern Executive Systems Contracting LLC [2022] DIFC CA 016, Van Oord UK Ltd v Dragados UK Ltd [2021] CSIH 50; 198 Con LR 1 and Shanghai Shipyard Co Ltd v Reignwood Investment Co Ltd [2021] 1 WLR 5408 (CA)
  • Expanded commentary on express or implied terms of good faith
  • Commentary on claims arising out of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • New commentary on the use of adjudication in the context of shipbuilding and offshore construction

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