[Volume 1]
Foreword – Lord Allen of Abbeydale
Editorial team
Explanation of the work
Tables – Cases, Statutes, Statutory Instruments and European Legislation
Table of Destinations: Charities Act 2011
Part 1: Commentary (sections A–H)
A Meaning and Extent of Charity
B Setting up a Charity
C Registration of Charities
D Government and Charities
E Running a Charity F Land Transactions G Funding
H Investing the Funds
[Volume 2]
Part 1: Commentary (sections I–O)
I Amending the Governing Instrument
J Dealing with Disputes
K Trading
L Accounting, Auditing and Reporting
M Taxation
N Tax-Effective Giving
O The European Dimension
Part 2: Source materials
Statues & Statutory instruments.
Part 3: Appendices
Appendix 1: Charity Commission material
Appendix 2: Other materials
Appendix 3: Taxation guidance
Appendix 4: Useful lists and addresses
Appendix 5: Key decisions (formerly Decisions of the Charity
Commission—Case Summaries)
Our decisions (formerly Final Decisions of the
Commission—Alphabetical Index)
Part 4: Forms and precedents