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Juridical Review: The Law Journal of the Scottish Universities

Juridical Review: The Law Journal of the Scottish Universities
Practice Area: Reference, Scottish Law
ISSN: 0022-6785
Published by: W. Green
Author: Jane Mair
Subscription Information: Any Time Start
Format: Journal
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Juridical Review is Scotland's leading refereed law journal, giving you the confidence that the contents are of the highest quality. Edited by Professor Jane Mair it consists of four issues per year, each comprising coverage and comment on the latest cases and most important decisions.

Covering a Diverse Range of Topics Juridical Review examines a wide range of issues and topics, many of which are not explored in other journals, making it an invaluable source of reference.

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  • Up-to-date analysis of current legal developments
  • An authoritative and innovative perspective on recent case law
  • A valuable and respected source of reference for use in court
  • Access to a learned forum for professional discussion and debate

Juridical Review is ideal for use by....

  • Scots law students and academics seeking learned discussion on the latest legal developments
  • Law students and academics from other jurisdictions with an interest in comparative law
  • Legal practitioners looking for a fresh perspective on recent case law

Juridical Review remains an invaluable forum for reference and commentary for academics and practitioners alike The editor welcomes contributions from the full spectrum of legal professionals. To contribute articles, and notes for case and comment please contact:

THE JURIDICAL REVIEW: Contributor Information & Editorial Policy  

The Juridical Review was established in 1889 and it is the Law Journal of the Scottish Universities. The primary focus of The Juridical Review is Scots law, defined broadly, and it welcomes contributions which engage with Scots law whether within a domestic or international context. Reflecting the wide range of research which is relevant to Scots law and Scots lawyers, The Juridical welcomes interdisciplinary and socio-legal scholarship and writing which looks not only at the principles of law but at law in practice.

The Juridical Review is open to submissions of high quality from authors at any stage in their research career and it welcomes contributions and comment from practitioners and policymakers.

The journal aims to publish academic writing of the highest quality and operates a rigorous system of peer review. In addition to articles, the journal has a Case and Comment section where it publishes shorter analyses of important decisions, legislation, reports and wider policy development. It also includes a review section for scholarly appraisal of recently published books.

Articles should not exceed 10,000 words. Contributions to Case and Comment should be in the range of 2,000–3,000 words and book reviews 1,500 words. Submissions should be made in accordance with the Guidelines for Authors - available under the contributor information tab.

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    Juridical Review Author Guide

    The following is intended as a brief guide for authors submitting articles for inclusion in the Juridical Review, principally on house style and the referencing of sources. While it is not intended to be comprehensive it is hoped it will address the most commonly occurring issues in that process. If any issue not covered in the guide does arise please do not hesitate to contact Mark Reid at info@mrpublish.co.uk

    Headings, footnotes, cross-references, quotations and the author query sheet
    Juridical Review articles commonly employ a maximum of three levels of headings (centred capitals, ranged left bold and ranged left italics). In the majority of articles two (ranged left bold and italics) prove sufficient.
    Use of footnotes allows for references in the main text to be brief so as not to interrupt the flow of the article but full references are required in the footnotes (please see the notes below for the required information.) Please note that a footnote is not required every time a case or statute is mentioned but only when a specific reference is required. Note also that Juridical Review uses footnotes rather than endnotes.
    The accuracy of cross-references and quotations is the responsibility of the author.
    During the editing process an author query sheet will be prepared as necessary and will be sent out to the author with a proof of the article to enable the resolution of any issues that arise.


    Books and essays in collections
    For books, for references in the text cite the author(s) surname(s) and the title in italics (e.g. Davidson, Dundas and Bartos, Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010). A full citation should be included in the footnotes and consist of: the full name of the author(s); title (in italics, including statement of original authorship where it is an integral part of the title); the editor(s) (forename or initials followed by a surname); edition (if not the first); place of publication, publishers and year of publication (in brackets); and a page or paragraph reference where relevant.
    • e.g. F. Davidson, H.R. Dundas and D. Bartos, Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010 (Edinburgh: W. Green, 2010), pp.12–13; Chitty on Contracts, edited by H.G. Beale, 28th edn (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1999), Vol.1, paras 4–024—4–029.
    For subsequent references cite the author surname, book title, year of publication (in brackets) and the page/paragraph referred to.
    • e.g. Davidson, Dundas and Bartos, Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010 (2010).
    For essays in collections, for references in the text cite the author surname and the title of essay in quotation marks (e.g. Goldberg, “Concepts of Depreciation”). A full citation should be included in the footnotes and should consist of: the initial/forename and surname of the author of the essay; the essay title (in double quotation marks); the full name of the editor(s) of the collection; the title of the collection (in italics); the place of publication, publisher and year of publication (in brackets); a volume number if applicable and a page/paragraph reference if relevant.
    • e.g. R. Goldberg, “Concepts of Depreciation” in Ian Baxter and John Davidson (eds), Studies in Accounting Theory, 2nd edn (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1998), p.236.
    For subsequent references, cite author surname, title of essay, title of book, year of publication (in brackets) and page/paragraph number.
    • e.g. Goldberg, “Concepts of Depreciation” in Studies in Accounting Theory (1998), p.236.

    Legal periodicals
    For journal articles, for references in the text cite the author surname and title of article in quotation marks (e.g. Getzler, “Forfeiture for breach of a time condition”). A full citation should be included in the footnotes and should consist of: author forename or initials followed by surname; title of article in double quotation marks; and the journal citation (which should include the year, volume and issue numbers (depending on the journal) and the first page of the article.
    • e.g. Joshua Getzler, “Forfeiture for breach of a time condition” (2004) 120 L.Q.R. 203.
    For subsequent references, cite the author surname, title of article and journal citation, and if referring to a particular page use the following format.
    • e.g. Getzler, “Forfeiture for breach of a time condition” (2004) 120 L.Q.R. 203, 205.

    Government publications
    For references in the text cite the author and title in italics, e.g. Law Reform Committee, First Report of the Law Reform Committee. A full citation should be included in the footnotes and should consist of: the source official body or author’s name; the title (in italics); the section/department responsible and the date of publication (in brackets); and the publication series/command paper number if applicable.
    • e.g. Law Reform Committee, First Report of the Law Reform Committee (HMSO, 1963), Cmnd.641. For subsequent references, cite the source body/author and title only.

    Use italics for URLs, including “https://”, and add an accessed date in the form “[Accessed 14 February 2017]” as pages can go out of date very quickly.
    • e.g. https://www.official-documents.gov.uk/document/cm68/6878/6878.asp [Accessed 14 February 2017].

    For cases, cite the full case name in the text on first reference, e.g. HM Advocate v Purves and use a shortened case name or refer to one party only thereafter, e.g. Purves. A full citation should be included in the footnotes and should consist of the following elements: the party names (in italics, separated by a “v” without a full point); media neutral citation (first in string of citations) and law report reference(s) where available; or “Unreported”, date and court where no citations are available (do not include commas between these elements).
    • e.g. HM Advocate v Purves [2009] HCJ 2; 2009 S.L.T. 969; Barnet LBC v Hurst [2002] EWCA Civ 1009; [2003] 1 W.L.R. 722; Dean v Woods Unreported 21 April 1994 CA (Civ Div).
    For subsequent references in footnotes, use a shortened case name or refer to one party only and include at least one published report series. Use “at” when referring to pages of law reports. Do not use “p.” for page references and refer to paragraph numbers in square brackets.
    • e.g. Rye v Rye [1994] A.C. 496 HL at 500, 503–505; R. (on the application of Crouch) v DPP [2009] P.N.L.R. 1 QBD at [1], [3] and [5]–[6].

    Statutes and statutory instruments
    For statutes, include the full title in the text on first citation. A reference to specific provisions may either follow or precede the name of the Act with no comma after the year.
    • e.g. “Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006 s.3” or “s.3 of the Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006”.
    Include the full title in footnotes on first citation, with the provision referred to following the name of the Act with no comma after the year as above. For subsequent references in the main text and footnotes use the year of the Act only or if only one Act is mentioned, the year can be dropped, e.g. “the 2016 Act” or “the Act”. Do not use acronyms for legislation unless frequently referred to and if so cite the acronym in brackets on first mention.
    • e.g. Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 (ICTA).
    For statutory instruments, include the full title in the text on first citation (name, year and number), with any reference to a specific provision following the name with no comma after the SI/SSI number.
    • e.g. Fire (Additional Function) (Scotland) Order 2005 (SSI 2005/342) art.1.
    For subsequent references in the main text, use the year of the SI, e.g. “the 2005 Order”. Include the full title in footnotes on first citation, with regulation/rule/article number following the name of the SI, with no comma after the number. Include the acronym or abbreviated title in brackets.
    • e.g. Automated Registration of Title to Land (Electronic Communications) (Scotland) Order 2006 (SSI 2006/491) (2006 Order) art.4.
    If several Acts/SIs from the same year are referred to set references out in full in the text and footnotes to avoid confusion.

    European Union law references
    When referring to an EU Directive or Regulations, please use the following format type and number; the title of the provision and the Official Journal reference.
    • e.g. Regulation 44/2001 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters [2001] OJ L012/1.

    Use the following commonly occurring contractions and abbreviations (except at the beginning of a sentence):

    art.                                         article
    arts                                        articles
    Ch.                                         Chapter
    Chs                                        Chapters
    cl.                                          clause
    cll.                                          clauses
    Co                                          Company
    Corp                                       Corporation
    edn                                         edition
    fn.                                           footnote/note
    fnn.                                         footnotes/notes
    Ltd                                          Limited
    p.                                            page
    pp.                                          pages
    para.                                       paragraph
    paras                                      paragraphs
    Pt                                           Part
    Pts                                         Parts
    r.                                            rule
    rr.                                           rules
    reg.                                        regulation
    regs                                        regulations
    s.                                           section
    ss.                                         sections
    Sch.                                       Schedule
    Schs                                      Schedules
    Vol.                                        Volume
    Vols                                       Volumes

    Foreign words and phrases
    Italicise all foreign words and phrases unless they have been naturalised into English.

    The use of capital letters must be consistent. Lots of capital letters are distracting so when in doubt, use lower case. Use initial capitals for proper nouns including names of people, places, days, months, buildings, etc. Use initial capitals where a specific court is named or where a reference to a court can only possibly mean one particular court. Use lower case initials when the reference to court is general or non-specific. Similarly use initial capitals where a specific reference is made to a judge but lower case initials where making a general reference.

    Use bullet points for lists and for sub-levels within bulleted lists use em-dashes (see the Word insert menu, under “Symbols” and “Special characters”). Use numbered lists if specifically required and for sub-levels within numbered lists use the following hierarchy: “(1)”, “(a)”, “(i)”.


    General Editor
    Professor Jane Mair, School of Law, University of Glasgow

    Assistant Editor
    Professor Claire McDiarmid, Law School, University of Strathclyde

    Case and Comment Editors

    Mr Malcolm Combe, Law School, University of Strathclyde

    Dr Rebecca Zahn, Law School, University of Strathclyde

    Book Review Editor:
    Dr Alan Brown, University of Glasgow


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