The General Editors welcome submissions for consideration. All articles undergo a review process and some amendment may be required. It is advisable to contact the Commissioning Editor beforehand to confirm if the subject is suitable and to ensure that an article on the same subject is not scheduled for publication.
Please note that submitting an article for consideration is not a guarantee of acceptance or publication.
All contributions must be in English and contributors should supply their full contact details, including an email address, for further correspondence. Contributors are responsible for adhering to the house style guide.
Please include an abstract of no more than 60 words describing the contents of the contribution. This abstract will appear on the contents page of EIPR. Authors of accepted contributions will receive two complimentary copies of the journal in which their paper appears.
Contributions are welcome under the following headings:
Articles: analysing a major theme of interest that is timely and topical. Articles should aim to discuss a subject in both a practical and reflective manner with comparisons with other jurisdictions added where possible. Articles should be between 3500-6000 words in length, although shorter or longer contributions may be considered.
Comments: in the style of an editorial. Comments are punchy and topical pieces and can be used to express an alternative or controversial point of view to stimulate debate. Comments on UK and International cases are always welcome and should be approximately 2000-4000 words in length.
Opinions: the contributor’s opinion on a topical national, supranational, or international area of the law. This can include an opinion on the outcome of a particular case or new legislation. Opinions are approximately 1000-2000 words in length.