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Law of Parks and Open Spaces

Law of Parks and Open Spaces
Practice Area:  Environmental Law
ISBN:  9780721905525
Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell
Publication Date:  31 Mar 2009
Subscription Information:  Non-Subscribable Product
Format:  Paperback
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Setting out and explaining concisely the law and associated issues, The Law of Parks and Open Spaces:
  • Covers the acquisition of parks and open spaces through gift and compulsory purchase, and their disposal
  • Deals with the management of parks and open spaces, including the various facilities which can be provided
  • Goes through the regulations covering public behaviour, including topics such as control of animals, alcohol, litter, and travellers and gypsies
  • Examines health and safety issues
  • Explains the procedures relating to the licensing of events
  • Looks at provisions specific to royal parks and parks and open spaces in London
  • Contains guidance on, and reproduces, model byelaws


  1. The History of Parks and Open Spaces
  2. Acquisition of Parks and Open Spaces
  3. Disposal of Parks and Open Spaces
  4. Provision and Management of Parks and Open Spaces
  5. Regulating Public Behaviour
  6. Health and Safety
  7. Licensing of Events under the Licensing Act 2003
  8. Foreshore and Seashore
  9. Royal Parks
  10. Special provisions relating to London
APPENDICES – Model Byelaws
Guidance Notes: Arrangements for Confirmation of Local Authority Byelaws
Set 2: Byelaws for Pleasure Grounds, Public Walks and Open Spaces
Set 5: Byelaws for Promenades
Set 6: Byelaws for the Seashore
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