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Public Procurement Law Review

Public Procurement Law Review
Product ID: 0963-82BV
Published by: Sweet & Maxwell
Subscription Information: 6 Issues a year, Any Time Start
Format: Journal, Hardback
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Public Procurement Law Review is a world-leading, blind peer-reviewed, Scopus-indexed journal providing up-to-date information and analysis on UK, EU and international public procurement regulation. It is edited by a globally representative and diverse Editorial Board comprising expert academics and practitioners from the UK, EU, North America, Africa and Asia. Dedicated Articles, News and Analysis sections provide original and comprehensive coverage of: international instruments (WTO Government Procurement Agreement, EU law, UNCITRAL Model Law); legislative and policy developments in national procurement systems; and case law. In addition to analysis of ongoing legal developments, it offers cutting-edge legal research on topical regulatory policy issues.

Forthcoming coverage will include:
  • New UK public procurement legislation and policy following Brexit
  • UK case law on domestic legal issues, including single-source awards in response to COVID-19, interim remedies, and public law claims
  • EU Court of Justice and General Court case law updates
  • Access and coverage issues under existing and new international trade agreements
  • Coverage of developments in countries undergoing procurement reform 
  • Special issues, including on open contracting in select countries

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Untitled Document Scope

The Public Procurement Law Review is a world-leading, peer-reviewed journal which provides up-to-date news, analysis and research on UK, EU and international public procurement law, policy and practice. Its scope covers the international legal frameworks (UNCITRAL, WTO, EU), legislative and policy developments in national procurement systems, and case law. The journal publishes doctrinal (in particular, doctrinal in context), empirical, socio-legal and comparative research in these areas.

The journal is published six times a year, in February, April, June, August, October and December. Its primary readership comprises academics, regulators and other policy makers, and practitioners. The Editorial Committee is globally representative and diverse, featuring expert academics, policy makers and practitioner members from the UK, North America, Africa and Asia, and welcomes contributions from colleagues at all stages in their academic careers.

Submissions are invited for two sections of the journal. The News and Analysis section contains shorter items covering recent developments, in particular (although not exclusively) specific legal developments at EU level and in the UK. The Articles section provides in-depth analysis of select topics. The journal also includes a dedicated Book Reviews section.

It is recommended that any contributor contact the designated Editor before making a formal submission in order to receive guidance about the process for submission. Professor Sue Arrowsmith QC (Hon) is responsible for the News and Analysis section: sue.arrowsmith@nottingham.ac.uk. Dr Luke Butler is responsible for the Articles section: Luke.Butler@nottingham.ac.uk., and will also direct any requests regarding book reviews for the Book Reviews section.


Articles are generally between 6,000-10,000 words, although shorter and longer articles will be considered. There is no preferred length for News and Analysis features, but these are normally up to 4,000 words in length. Both of these word counts are inclusive of footnotes. Contributors should specify the number of words in their article.


Papers must be in English.

Hard-copy submissions are not required and all submissions must be sent in Word format.

Articles should contain short, useful headings. References to cases and legislation should be in the footnotes. No bibliography or other reference should be provided at the end of the article.

Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively throughout the text with superscript Arabic numerals. Wherever relevant and appropriate, reference should be made in footnotes to previous articles that have appeared in the Public Procurement Law Review.

To assist in ensuring proper presentation, contributors are advised to look at the Sample Issue for general style.

Authors should provide their biographical information in the form in which they wish it to appear in the Public Procurement Law Review.

Submission of articles or other contributions will be held to imply that they contain original, unpublished work and are not being submitted for publication elsewhere. No liability is accepted for loss or damage to material submitted.

Contributors must supply their full contact details for further correspondence and are responsible for complying with the house style guide before making a submission.

Review process

An initial assessment is carried out by the Editors, usually within two weeks of receipt of a submission. At this stage, some submissions are rejected because the subject matter clearly falls below the quality threshold for publication in the journal or is outside its scope.

Potential article submissions are then subject to double-blind, anonymous review by appropriate members of the general Editorial Board and/or by other experts in the field where the article necessitates particular subject-matter expertise. The review process involves consideration of the recommendations for publication made by both reviewers (accept, accept with required or suggested corrections, or reject), along with the reviewer comments. The recommendations and comments are then reviewed by an Editor, with discussion with the other Editor where appropriate; and a determination is then made and communicated. In the unusual event that reviews are inconclusive, a third reviewer may also be appointed, but the Editor reserves the right to reach a determination on the basis of reviews received. Whatever the determination, the journal aims to give constructive feedback to contributors with a view to improving future submissions. The reviewers endeavour to reach a conclusion within six weeks of submission, although in some cases the process may take longer.

News and Analysis reports on current legal developments (in the UK and EU) are often written by established existing correspondents who serve on the Editorial Board. However, the Public Procurement Law Review also encourages News and Analysis submissions on the full range of recent developments. News and Analysis features are not subject to the peer review process, but the Editors offer appropriate feedback on the submissions and require revisions where appropriate.


Proofs will be emailed to authors, who undertake to check them and return them to the publisher without delay.


PROFESSOR SUE ARROWSMITH QC (HON), Professor Emerita, University of Nottingham
DR LUKE R.A. BUTLER, Associate Professor in Law, University of Nottingham 

Assistant Editors:
ADRIAN BROWN, Of Counsel, Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
DR KAMALA DAWAR, Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law, University of Sussex
DR MARI ANN SIMOVART, Associate Professor, University of Tartu

Reviews Editors:
DR PAULA BORDALO FAUSTINO, Teaching Associate, University of Nottingham
DR ASTGHIK SOLOMONYAN, Technical Assistance Officer, World Trade Organization

Editorial Board:
ROBERT ANDERSON, Honorary Professor of Law, University of Nottingham
ROGER BICKERSTAFF, Joint Head of the IT Sector Group, Bird & Bird
PETER CURRAN, Partner, Eversheds Sutherland
DR AMA EYO, Lecturer in Public Procurement Law, Bangor University
DR MIHÁLY FAZEKAS, Assistant Professor, Central European University
KATE GOUGH, Counsel, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
DR ARIS GEORGOPOULOS, Assistant Professor in European and Public Law, University of Nottingham
PROFESSOR LAURENCE W. GORMLEY, Professor, College of Europe
PAUL HENTY, Partner, Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
DR BAUDOUIN HEUNINCKX, Head of Legal and Financial Affairs, Belgian Defence Procurement Division
DR TOTIS KOTSONIS, Partner, Pinsent Masons LLP
PROFESSOR WILLIAM E. KOVACIC, Global Competition Professor of Law and Policy, George Washington University
PÁLL RÚNAR M. KRISTJÁNSSON, Supreme Court Attorney, MAGNA / Reykjavik Legal 
PROFESSOR ANNAMARIA LA CHIMIA, Professor of Law and Development and Director of PPRG, University of Nottingham
PROFESSOR JOHN LINARELLI, Professor of Law, Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center
COLIN MAUND, Chief Executive Officer, Hellios Information
DAVID MCGOWAN, Counsel, Dentons UK and Middle East LLP
PATRICK MCGOVERN, Retired Partner, Arthur Cox
CESAR PEREIRA, Partner, Justen, Pereira, Oliveira & Talamini
PROFESSOR GEO QUINOT, Professor in the Department of Public Law, Stellenbosch University
BEN RAYMENT, Barrister, Monckton Chambers
PROFESSOR STEVEN L. SCHOONER, Nash & Cibinic Professor of Government Procurement Law, George Washington University
DR GRITH SKOVGAARD ØLYKKE, Commercial Law Consultant, Poul Schmith
SUSIE SMITH, Consultant, Bevan Brittan LLP and freelance advisor/trainer
DR PETER TREPTE, Barrister, Senior Research Fellow, University of Nottingham
DR PING WANG,  Professor of Law, Changchun University of Science and Technology
RHODRI WILLIAMS QC, Barrister, Henderson Chambers
PROFESSOR SOPE WILLIAMS-ELEGBE, Professor and Head of Department of Mercantile Law, Stellenbosch University
LAURA WISDOM, Director, Burges Salmon LLP


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6 issues per annum.

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Public Procurement Law Review is included in the following indexing and abstracting services:
  • Legal Journals Index on Westlaw UK
  • Articles Index from Lawtel
  • Scopus


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