Entertainment Law Review – Guidelines for Submission of Contributions
Contributions should fall into one of the following categories:
In the style of an editorial, these are “punchy”, topical, opinionated pieces, often expressing a fairly radical or controversial view.
Maximum word count: 2000.
These focus on a major, current theme of interest to media and entertainment lawyers and academics. The subject should be of international interest.
Articles should both explain a current situation in a fairly practical way and provide thoughtful analysis, comment, evaluation and criticism as appropriate. Comparisons with other jurisdictions should be added where possible.
Maximum word count: 3000.
These focus on a very specific, yet significant, topic – usually a case, but it could be a piece of legislation or other legal, regulatory or policy development – explaining why this is of particular relevance both to the author’s jurisdiction and more internationally. Comments are usually more factual than articles, but with some degree of analysis and evaluation.
Maximum word count: 1500.
Book Reviews
Book reviews are also published in the Review. These should be between 600 and 1200 words in length (dependent on the title). These are dealt with in-house at Sweet & Maxwell through a central co-ordinator, but may also be sent to the Commissioning Editor.
Submitting Copy
Please email copy as a Word file to the Commissioning Editor, Paul Crick at
paulcrick@mac.comArticles and comments should be accompanied by a short abstract of approximately 50 to 70 words, briefly encapsulating the content of the piece. Abstracts appear in the contents section of the Review and give a snapshot of each piece.
All contributions undergo a refereeing process prior to publication, and some amendment may be required (in consultation with the author) to ensure that the piece is suitable for publication in the Review.
Contributions exceeding the applicable maximum word count will be returned to the author for editing, although in exceptional circumstances contributions slightly above the maximum may be accepted at the discretion of the editorial board.
It is advisable to email the Commissioning Editor before you start writing, to check whether an article on your chosen topic has already been commissioned.
Contributors must supply their full contact details for further correspondence and are responsible for complying with the
before making a submission.